Tv Software Update Server Could Not Be Contact Ed

Tv Software Update Server Could Not Be Contact Ed 5,7/10 2150reviews

Open notepad as administrator, and direct yourself to: C: Windows System32 Drivers etc open the 'Hosts' file: note the '' portion near the bottom. Your hosts may be different, and if so, then look for that part specifically. The problem for me, lied within the fact that just before the '' part, there originally was no hash(#) with the space like the rest of the hosts file. This was all I had to fix. After editing and then saving the hosts file in notepad. I restarted iTunes and the update went through without a hitch!

So if you do not see the hash and space before the '' part, all you have to do is put the #, and then press tab! I hope this works for some of you guys! So just to be clear, that particular line in the file should look like: # good luck! I'll just try to link to my original thread since apple's forums don't like the way I put specific characters! LOL Message was edited by: unvaluablespace Jul 25, 2010 12:52 AM. Hindi Actress Themes Free Download on this page.

Thanks I was having the same problems since updating iTunes to latest version on 22 July. Followed this guide and sorted my problem out I was not getting any error codes just a message saying that iPod/iPhone software update server could not be contacted. There was no line in hosts file for so added mew line and presto now working as normal thanks very much for this guide you have sorted something that a 50 minute £8.00 phone call to apple care couldn't fix. Warcraft 3 Reign Of Chaos Torrent Iso Extractor. Thanks again Jul 27, 2010 2:49 AM. Yeah no problem.

Tv Software Update Server Could Not Be Contact Ed

Haha I didn't even bother to call apple care cuz I figured they wouldn't know it let alone be able to fix it. Ya know not to diss apple care or anything, this Is for pretty much most tech companies out there, but I find it funny when I know for myself that I know more about the device/product than the company that makes it lol. Like you know that if u couldn't figure it out, they won't be able too either, but you call them anyway just to humor yourself, sit through the usual wait times being placed on hold, only to finally get someone that either has no clue to what your talking about, or tries to dumb you down during the conversation even though you clearly know certain things on the product than they do lol. Jul 28, 2010 11:44 PM. Vgamenut, Glad to hear it worked for you! Another satisfied customer! Windows Ce 6 0 Rdp Clients. For those with different operating systems, please be aware that the hosts file is arranged differently depending on operating system.

Tv Software Update Server Could Not Be Contact Ed

For me, I was running Windows 7, so I wrote out that quick n dirty guide for those with 7. Vista may or may not be different, but I am almost positive that XP, Mac OS X is different from those two.